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Gore Mountain Real Estate
of the Adirondack Park

North Creek Chestertown

Sandi Engle-Pratt, Realtor, Broker-Owner

Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree Adirondack Pine Tree

Pinewoods Subdivision

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Listing ID# Description Listing Address Price
AC1000 3.01 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #4 Pinewoods SOLD!!
AC1001 6.01 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #5 Pinewoods SOLD!!
AC1002 5.99 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #6 Pinewoods SOLD!!
AC1003 1.38 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #9 Pinewoods SOLD!!
AC1004 1.38 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #10 Pinewoods SOLD!!
AC1005 1.38 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #11 Pinewoods SOLD!!
AC1007 1.38 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #13 Pinewoods SOLD!!
AC1008 1.38 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #14 Pinewoods SOLD!!
AC1009 1.38 acres in a secluded subdivision. Lot #15 Pinewoods SOLD!!
AC1010 10.08 acres in a secluded subdivision Lot #17 Pinewoods $69,900

Conveniently located between Lake George and Gore Mountain
Quaint Subdivision within 4 miles of Interstate 87 (I-87) exit 25
This subdivision is nicely laid out for a residential neighborhood
Lots are in a nice wooded setting for privacy

Survey of Lots

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295 Main Street PO Box 323 North Creek NY 12853
Office (518) 251-5111 Fax (206) 339-8128

All images and content are copy write protected and can not be used without the expressed consent of Gore Mountain Real Estate.
The information presented is believed accurate, but not guaranteed by the real estate broker.