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Gore Mountain Real Estate
of the Adirondack Park

North Creek Mountain Gif Lake Placid Wilmington

Sandi Engle-Pratt, Realtor, Broker-Owner

Olympic Ski Jumps seen from from Rt. 86 traveling to Whiteface

Directions to Whiteface Mountain:

Whiteface Mountain Ski Trails Map


By Air
Albany Airport (518-242-2222) is three hours from the Whiteface Mountain Region.

By Bus
Adirondack Trailways (800-776-7548) with service to Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, and Malone, NY.

By Car
Traveling From The South
NYS Thruway to Exit 24. Take I-87 (the Northway) to Exit 30 (Olympic Region). Follow Route 73 for 30 miles to Lake Placid.

Traveling From The North
Take I-87 (the Northway) to Exit 34 (Keeseville). Follow Route 9N south to Jay. Make a right turn onto Route 86 (Wilmington).

Traveling From Western New York State.
Take I-90 (NYS Thruway) east to Syracuse. Take Route 81 North from Syracuse to Watertown (Fort Drum exit). Follow Route 96 to Route 3. Make a left onto Route 3; proceed on Route 3 thur many quaint towns and villages until you reach Saranac Lake. In Saranac Lake follow signs to Lake Placid (Route 86). From Lake Placid follow signs to Whiteface Mountain.

By Train
Amtrack's Adirondack (800-USA-Rail) service to Fort Edward and Saratoga Springs.


The High Peaks as seen from Baker Mountain in Saranac Lake

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295 Main Street PO Box 323 North Creek NY 12853
Office (518) 251-5111

All images and content are copy write protected and can not be used without the expressed consent of Gore Mountain Real Estate.
The information presented is believed accurate, but not guaranteed by the broker.